Tuesday, 22 May 2007

4. Does blogging help learners to build skills and confidence?

I strongly believe that it does - through this can be hard to prove.
Any thoughts?


Stephen Downes said...

Yes it does.

Because when a person blogs, it reaches a much wider audience, and often results in interaction that would not otherwise have been possible.

For example, when the Grade 5 students at St. Joseph's blogged about a circus performance, one of the performers wrote back.

Konrad Glogowski has written about how this sort of reply greatly increases the confidence and motivation of his students.

bob said...

Many of the class have continued to blog enthusiastically. Sarah, for example, continues to keep a diary which is an interesting way of improving her English composition, grammar and spelling skills. She can download videos for her blog. William is posting Youtube videos and all his requests for games cheats. Instead of wasting paper printing them here, he can access blogger at home and do it there.
Any lessons here in class can be posted with a picture so that mums and dads can see what their kids are up to. Stacey, for example does this every day.
Skills and confidence come from repeated use.