Tuesday, 22 May 2007

10. Success Stories - please feel free to add your own.

This is just one of the many positive learning experiences that came about through the use of blogs:I was working with a young adult male learner with sever dyslexia who who frequently excluded himself from the group. His interests lay in films, comics, gadgets...and he spent most of his time in class surfing the Internet looking for what interested him.
He was one of the first learners who wanted to have a blog, and he set it up just as he liked it, using it mostly to write about movies and his comic book heroes and to post pictures of them. He would diligently write down information about his favourite movies, and then post it to his blog. Soon he was linking to film websites, and posting on other learners' blogs.
Within a couple of weeks he was helping others to use their blogs, with confidence and patience, and developing his own use of blogs as a personal learning tool.
This is just one story - I have recently been invited by other learners from this group to view their 'bebo' sites. It is wonderful to see them trying new things and continuing to develop their use of personal web pages. All credit to their tutor who was the first to start his own bebo, and has no doubt instigated their use of bebo.
Well Done!

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