Monday, 21 May 2007

1. What is this blog all about?

Do you work in Adult Education?
Have you ever used blogs as a learning device?

My name is Lucy Holroyd and I am undertaking a postgraduate diploma in Community Education at Dundee University.

As part of my student placement I was working with a group of adults with learning difficulties; one of my larger projects was helping learners to set-up personal blogs, and supporting them in their continual use.

The project was a great success, and led me to focus on blogging for my research project.
As such I have developed this blog to act as a co-enquiry for my research, and to maintain the site as a tool for sharing good practice. There is not enough written on the benfits of using blogs in learning, and I feel that this new technology is one that must be further explored.

Traditionally such an enquiry might be undertaken differently, (ie. interviews, group dicussions etc) but I wanted to take advantage of the medium available and felt it appropriate to do so, considering the subject matter. Naturally, the more people that contribute, the better, and so using The Web was a natural step to take. I have chosen blogger as we used it in class - it was easy to use and secure.

If you have any experience of using blogs for learning, please contribute to this co-enquiry.
Before doing so, please refer to the ETHICS section of the blog posted on this page.

I have posted a series of thoughts and questions to comment under - please feel free to add your own. If you wish to be referenced in the end research please post your name after your comments - if not, use a pseudonym. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Thankyou so much for your time, and for contributing to this co-enquiry.


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